Ward Cemetery
Official Site
Kelleys Creek Road Near Cedar Grove
Kanawha County, West Virginia
"Thanks again for YOUR help in caring for the WARD CEMETERY"
The individuals and businesses listed below have donated since June 1, 2022
This listing is dated June 1, 2023.
Donations received after this date will appear on next year's listing.
Please forgive all errors on the sheet.
If something is wrong please feel free to e-mail: info@wardcemetery.com
Jennie Akers*
*(In memory of Virgil Akers)
Mike & Judy Akers
JoAnn Allen
Rodney & Pat Allen
Ava (King) & Michael Anders
Donna Goodson Ansted*
*(In memory of Don Goodson)
Sam & Debbie Arthur
Sandra Austin
Ronald & Sue Bailey
Mary Beard
Lance & Ann Beizer*
*(In memory of Cecile Hungerford)
Donna Estep Bixler*
*(In memory of Donna Estep
Bixler, Robert & Icie Estep)
Roberta Boggs
Homer & Mary Bounds
Edward & Frances Brown*
*(In memory of Everette &
Josephine Brown)
Alice Mace Buck
Michael Buck
Jeanie Buckley
Judy Buckley*
*(In memory of the Ernie Buckley Family)
Mrs. Billy Joe (Toshiko) Buckley
Betty Buckner
Federick & Irena Canterbury*
*(In memory of Harvey &
Olive Young)
Don Carpenter
Tim Carpenter
Bill & Judy Chestnut*
*(In memory of Ethel &
John Short)
Kim Goodson Clary*
*(In memory of the Goodson
John P. Colbert*
*(In honor of Terri Inghram Colbert)
Carolyn Confere
Betty Connard
Kristy Cook
Helen Crum*
*(In memory of the Persinger
David & Jane Daniels
Glenn Davis
Pamela Dawson
Joyce Stinnett Dellinger
Sherry Dew*
*(In memory of the Sergent & Kelley Families)
Doris Goodson Doss*
*(In memory of Charles
Charles & Janet Farren*
*(In memory of John
and Ethel Short)
Manuel & Carol Ferrell*
*(in memory of Manuel &
Mathra Ferrell)
Judy Fizer
Vicki Hurley Friscic*
*(In memory of Paula,
Walter, Mary & Paul Hurley)
Ed & Marilyn Gaunch
Mark Goodson*
*(In memory of the Goodson Family)
Mike & Ava Goodson*
*(In memory of the Goodson Family)
Brenda & Ken Gray*
*(In memory of Marshall &
Nettie Webster)
Butch & Leah Green
Linda Grimmett*
*(in memory of the Proctor Family)
Danny Hackworth*
*(in memory of the Hackworth family)
Ritha Barefield Hamilton
Carl & Phyllis Harrison
Ross Harrison
Sylvia Welch Hartwell*
*(In memory of the Welch Family)
Fred & Willie Hess*
*(In memory of the Hess Family)
Eleanor Huddleston*
*(In memory of Cletus
Janet Huddleson*
*(In memory of the Hill Family)
Bonnie Hudnall
Dalton & Sonja Hudnall
J. D. & Brenda Hudnall*
*(In memory of the Hudnall Family)
Sandra Hudson
Roberta Cobb Hughes*
*(In memory of the Cobb Family)
Opal Hunley
James Inghram
Tom & Sue Inghram
Tressie Johnson
Janet Keenan
Harold Kemp*
*(In memory of the Stephens family, William, Deloris, Billy, Beverly)
Norma Shaffer Kessler
J. B. & Wilma Kidd*
*(In memory of Wilson and
Arbutus O'Dell)
Della Kinsolving
Janice Kinsolving
Michael & Beverly Kinsolving
Roy Landers
Dianna Lanham*
*(In memory of Virginia Craigo)
Wanda Legg
Sharon Lovely
Cecilia Lyons
Jim & Barbara Mann
Willadene Marchese*
*(In memory of Raymond
Alan Tucker)
Donald Maynor
Frank & Rose Maynor
Anna Mae McCallister*
*(In memory of Charles &
Cosie McCallister)
Martha McClaugherty
Perry & Ruth McCune
Cantrell & Judy Hill Miller
Judy Seabolt Moore
Sandy Kirk Moore
Thomas Paruscio*
*(In memory of Linda Paruscio)
Patsy Paxton
Glenice Perry*
*(In memory of Bob Perry)
Kathleen Persinger*
*(In memory of Ballard & Lloyd Persinger)
Bob & Gloria Phalen
Wanda Pigott
Susan Plumley*
*(In memory of Crowder Family)
Gene & Janice Richardson*
*(In memory of Walter A. & Helen Smith & Walter David Smith)
Cora Rider*
*(In memory of the Sizemore & Rider Families)
Margie Shifflet Romine
Kathy Sargent*
*(In memory of the Sargent, Tucker, Sanborn & Bellew Families)
Loretta Sargent
Ronald & Patricia See
Ethel Shaffer*
*(In memory of Buck Shaffer)
Margaret Pauley Shawver*
*(In memory of the Mann, Pauley, Seabolt, Owens Families)
Damon Sizemore
Emerson Smith
Kenny Smith*
*(In memory of Arthur &
Arlene Smith)
Lola Smith*
*(In memory of the Kutil & Smith family)
Sherry Smith*
*(In memory of Lee Roy,
Helen, Paul & Doris Smith)
Sheila Lovely Snodgrass*
*(In memory of the Lovely family)
Anita Settle Stokeley*
*(In memory of the Settle family and Dollie Kinsolving Knight & George Knight)
Joanne & Michael Stone
Robert & Elizabeth Stone
Lulia Thompson
Carole Thornton
Linda Thornton
Jackie & Ellen Trador*
*(In memory of Homer Inghram)
Ronald & Carol Tucker
Barbara Vance
Irene Waugh*
*(In memory of the Buckner family)
Richard & Nancy White*
*(In memory of the Short family)
John & Donna Whited*
*(In memory of the Cobb & Buckley families)
Debra Wolfe*
*(In memory of the Chapman & Hudnall families)
Thelma Young*
*(In memory of the Dartt family)
Please send donations made payable to "Ward Cemetery"
c/o Sherry Smith
3012 Dorsey Drive
Belle WV 25015-1806
OR donate through Paypal at
or Paypal to our email address
Our website is www.wardcemetery.com
This listing is dated June 1, 2023. Any donation received after this date will appear on next year's listing.
All donations collected are managed by the Ward Cemetery Advisory Committee and are used to finance the care, beautification, and preservation of Ward Cemetery. Donations help pay for items such as weed eaters, weed eater string, purchase and/or replacement of mowers, mowing equipment repair and maintenance, gasoline, maintenance tools, tree and brush removal, fence repair, hiring and paying a grass cutting crew, and major projects/repairs such as flood damage repair..
Please send donations made payable to
Ward Cemetery
c/o Sherry Smith
3012 Dorsey Drive
Belle WV 25015-1806
OR donate through Paypal at
or through Paypal using our email address
The Ward Cemetery Advisory Committee is a federally tax-exempt 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization established by cemetery volunteers to assist in their mission of preservation and beautification of Ward Cemetery. Ward Cemetery Advisory Committee also has Public Charity Status under section 509(a)(2) of the Internal Revenue code. Ward Cemetery Advisory Committee is a volunteer group and has no paid members, no paid officers, and no paid staff. The Committee's financial records are available for viewing upon request and appointment.